Well, it's almost Christmas. Seems to come faster every year! This year with the house somewhat in disarray it's a little more difficult to get motivated to get decorations up. However, we did get the tree up and the kids decorated with their ornaments. There's now enough of their ornaments to fill the whole tree! (Our tradition is to give them each an ornament every year. Then when they move out.... yes.... they will move out someday!! they'll have some ornaments to hang on their trees.) Even though there are the same number of days between Thanksgiving and Christmas every year, it seems to go faster and faster all the time. We're trying to keep an even keel here before the craziness of all our visits starts.
So, this month we are continuing to work on completing all our paperwork. I have most of the forms filled out and about 1/2 of the big theological questionnaire done. The biggest piece I have left is to get everyone in for a physical. That will happen after the holidays.
Greg and I had the unique opportunity to meet the Asian Team Leader from RG a couple weeks ago. We had a very nice dinner and he gave us some vision for their proposed work in the Tokyo area. Exciting stuff! We're not sure yet where we would fit in or if we'll be placed on this team, but a couple of the things he mentioned sounded like exciting opportunities. We'll just have to see how God leads. Greg even got a little excited at the vision placed in front of him so that was nice to see.
I got to skype with my dear friends Luann and Shige this past week. It was SO good to see them and talk with them. 2 hours just flew by and it seemed we just got started. They are on my mind and in my prayers so much these days. I'm so excited to go visit them this next year. It will be so good to be able to hug them in person and spend some time with their precious children!
The other big development is that I have the opportunity to go to Belize on a mission trip with our church! Our church has taken other trips in the past, but with 4 young kids it was a bit difficult to be away. Now that the kids are older I feel like it's easier to leave for a week. So, Feb. 23-March 1 I will be in Belize! I'm hoping to organize a VBS for the kids. We're talking about going into the schools and possibly a children's home as well as a construction project and possibly visiting shut-ins. I'm so excited to spread my wings a bit on the mission field!
So..... for those of you who are following our journey to Japan... this is a little side tour to Belize! I know many of you have offered your prayer and financial support once we are ready to raise for Japan, but I'm hoping some of you may be willing to take a trial run with me to Belize? :-) The trip costs about $1400. I'm hoping to raise most if not all since we are putting so much money into our house to sell right now. I know it's Christmas and finances are tough, but if God is leading you to give it will certainly be put to good use in the Kingdom! Even more important than finances though, truly is your prayers. I know that's popular to say, but I really mean that. Our God is HUGE! To come up with $1400 is nothing for Him. I don't believe He will let money stand in the way of the work He wants to accomplish through us. So, I have faith that one way or another this trip will get paid for.
I've made a personal commitment to God that I would disciple at least one person this next year. (Started in Nov.) Not that I have to go to Belize to do that, but what an awesome opportunity I am afforded! Our book knowledge can only take us so far. I want to put legs to my knowledge and further God's Kingdom here on earth. My prayer is that God would be magnified through all we do there. That those who do not know Jesus, our Heavenly King, would see even just the smallest glimpse of Him in us. I'm confident that God will do great work to further His Kingdom on this trip and I'm honored to be able to be a part of it. Please pray for our whole team as we embark together on this adventure!
So.... that's the news this month! There are so many months things seem at a standstill.... wait for it, wait for it...... WHAM! Everything breaks open at once! Our God certainly has a sense of humor in His timing....
I hope you have had a chance this Christmas season to reflect on God's greatest gift to us, Jesus Christ. It's so hard to believe that our God would come to us in human flesh, all the time knowing His sacrifice was imminent. This little baby that we celebrate the birth of this month became the Godman who gave His life so that we might be saved from death. I pray that you know Him... if you don't, why not take this Christmas to learn a little about Him, you won't regret it!
Much love,
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