Sorry it's been awhile since the last update. Here's where we're at right now....
We ended up not making the January paperwork deadline. I won't go into too much detail on that. Deadlines come every 3 months so I'm not sure yet when we're planning on having the paperwork done. Will keep you updated on that. In the meantime we've been working on getting the house ready to sell. Right now I'm not quite sure where we are with that either, but God's timing is perfect and despite the fact that I don't know what the time table is, God does and that has to be sufficient for me.
I've had several correspondence with our dear friends in Japan and I just wish there weren't so many miles between us. Most of the time I want to jump through the computer and hug them! They are a family on the front line of ministry. This does not go unnoticed by the Enemy, yet more comforting, they are not unnoticed by our Supreme God. I'm longing to support them in the front lines, but until then I pray diligently for my two dear friends and their precious four children.
We've seen many instances of God moving in the past couple months. The children and I have a daily habit of Bible study and reading through missionary biographies. We very much enjoy this time together and have learned so much about who God is and how He works. I didn't know just how important this time was until our children wrote a letter to a struggling new Christian friend. It was then that I learned these missionary readings have actually served to noticeably build our daughter's faith. (Not that they haven't effected everyone, but Kylie particularly mentioned these stories.) I feel so blessed to be able to have such a direct influence in our children's education. God is preparing them in the best way for the service He has in mind for them.
Even though our Japan plans aren't moving as fast as I'd like, God moved mightily fast this month on another front. Someone gave me a call a week ago and said they would like to sponsor Jayden and Kylie going to Belize with me! I am not left speechless very often, but I would have to say I was. This past week was a flurry of paperwork, scheduling plane tickets and applying for passports. We are praying they come in time! The children are so grateful and excited to go. I'm pleased to be able to share this experience with the both of them!
When we told Jayden and Kylie they were both very surprised. Kylie said to us, "When you told us we couldn't go to Belize (we contemplated the kids going early on, but decided against it due to finances) I just prayed that if we were supposed to go God would make it happen." How fun it is to see God answer a 10 year old's prayer with a "yes!"
We leave in less than two weeks! We are all excited and starting the packing adventure. VBS plans are pretty much done except for teaching details on my part. We have a few more craft supplies to gather and some sports equipment.
Thank you to those of you who are supporting us both by prayer and financially! Here is a link to the Praying Pelican's website where you can get a daily update on what our team is doing once the trip starts. I will not be able to communicate with anyone in the States while on the trip so until we return the trip journal is the place to find updates once the trip has started.
Thanks for following on our adventure! I'll update again after our trip to Belize!
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